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Vertex Displacement-Based Discontinuous Deformation Analysis Using Virtual Element Method Luo, Hongming MATERIALS 2021
Investigation of Damage Evolution in Heterogeneous Rock Based on the Grain-Based Finite-Discrete Element Model Zhang, Shirui MATERIALS 2021
Pore Pressure Accumulation of Anisotropically Consolidated Soft Clay Subjected to Complex Loads Under Different Stress Paths Wang Yu-ke CHINA OCEAN ENGINEERING 2021
Acetone Sensor Based on FAIMS-MEMS Zhang, Junna MICROMACHINES 2021
Pre-stack seismic inversion using a Rytov-WKBJ approximation Huang, Guangtan GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL 2021
Post-liquefaction shearing behaviour of saturated gravelly soils: Experimental study and discrete element simulation 王勇 JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 2020
Determining the soil-water retention curve using mercury intrusion porosimetry test in consideration of soil volume change Sun, Wen-Jing JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 2020
Experimental investigation on fracturing process of marble under biaxial compression Wang, Zhaofeng JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 2020
Bacterial-induced mineralization (BIM) for soil solidification and heavy metal stabilization: A critical review Han, Lijun SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2020
Analysis of Local Damages Effect on Mechanical Responses of Underwater Shield Tunnel via Field Testing and Numerical Simulation Tan, Xuyan APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 2020
Propagation of blasting seismic wave in viscoelastic full space and half space under infinitely long cylindrical charge Li, Zhiwen JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 2020
Geomechanical investigation for abandoned salt caverns used for solid waste disposal 施锡林 BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2020
Studies on Hydration Swelling and Bound Water Type of Sodium- and Polymer-Modified Calcium Bentonite 万勇 ADVANCES IN POLYMER TECHNOLOGY 2020
Dynamic responses of the pavement-unsaturated poroelastic ground system to a moving traffic load Tang, Chuxuan TRANSPORTATION GEOTECHNICS 2020
Effect of Gas Adsorption on the Application of the Pulse-Decay Technique Shen, Shaicheng GEOFLUIDS 2020
Liquid slippage on rough hydrophobic surfaces with and without entrapped bubbles Zuo, Hong PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 2020
Comparative analysis on pore-scale permeability prediction on micro-CT images of rock using numerical, empirical approaches (vol 7, pg 2842, 2019) Song, Rui ENERGY SCIENCE & ENGINEERING 2020
Experimental Study on Damage and Fracture Characteristics of Beishan Granite Subjected to High-temperature Treatment with DIC and AE Techniques 苗舒婷 ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING 2020
Characterization and Quantification of Pore Water in Clays During Drying Process With Low-Field NMR 田慧会 WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 2020
Discrete Element Modeling on Mechanical Behavior of Heterogeneous Rock Containing X-Shaped Fissure under Uniaxial Compression Chen, Ming GEOFLUIDS 2020