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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
A modification scheme reforming original unqualified piles as composite foundation Chen, SX SOFT SOIL ENGINEERING 2001
Simulation analysis on deformation of soft rockmass due to excavation of tunnel Zhu, W MODERN TUNNELING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2001
Hydraulic jacking tests at GMPS1 and GMPS2 of Shanxi Yellow River diversion project Chen, W.-Z.. Rock and Soil Mechanics 2001
Disturbed zones and displacement back analysis for rock slopes Deng, J. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2001
Intelligent analysis of deformation behaviors of permanent shiplock of the Three Gorges Project Feng, Xiating Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2001
Genetic evolution of nonlinear material constitutive models Feng, X.-T. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2001
Testing study on mechanical properties of the Three Gorges granite concerning temperature and time Liu, Quansheng Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2001
Numerical manifold method considering lateral effect and its application to engineering Wang, S Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2001
Studies of force and deformation properties considering pile-anchor-soil interaction in deep pits, Wu, W Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2001
Intelligent parallel computing methods for recognizing rock mechanical models and parameters Feng, XT FRONTIERS OF ROCK MECHANICS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURY 659-661 2001
Application of the discrete element method in the research of the surface movement induced by underground mining Feng, DX GEOECOLOGY AND COMPUTERS 2000
Interface continuous stress analysis by augmented Lagrangian method Wang, Shuilin Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics 2000
A simple method of determining the soil-water charactistic curve indirectly Kong, LW UNSATURATED SOILS FOR ASIA 2000
Governing equations of unsaturated seepage taking the effects of air flow and volume change into consideration Zhang, H UNSATURATED SOILS FOR ASIA 2000
Nonlinear evolution properties of rock microfracturing affected by environment Feng, XT FRACTURE AND STRENGTH OF SOLIDS 2000
Fuzzy mathematical method for evaluation of rock mechanical indexes Zhang, G FRACTURE AND STRENGTH OF SOLIDS 2000
Study on strength od rock material under dynamic triaxial compressive loads based on sliding crack model Li, HB FRACTURE AND STRENGTH OF SOLIDS 2000
Application of energy-dissipation model to majorization analysis of construction sequence of large-scale underground openings Zhu, W TUNNELS AND UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES 2000
Optimizing the construction sequence of a series of underground openings using dynamic construction mechanics and a rock mass fracture damage model Zhu, WS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 2000
Estimating mechanical rock mass parameters relating to the Three Gorges Project permanent shiplock using an intelligent displacement back analysis method Feng, XT INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 2000