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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
A Modified Symmetric and Antisymmetric Decomposition-Based Three-Dimensional Numerical Manifold Method for Finite Elastic-Plastic Deformations Ke, Jinfu ACTA MECHANICA SOLIDA SINICA 2020
Macro- and Microstructural Characteristics of the Tension-Shear and Compression-Shear Fracture of Granite 陈珺 ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERIN 2020
Meticulous three-dimensional demarcation and separate presentation of statistically homogeneous structural domains within a large-scale jointed rock mass Chen, Qingfa GEOSCIENCES JOURNAL 2020
Migration and storage characteristics of supercritical CO2 in anisotropic sandstones with clay interlayers based on X-CT experiments Xu, Liang JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 2020
Experimental study on influencing factors of fracture propagation in fractured carbonate rocks 郭印同 JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 2020
Inhibition effect of swelling characteristics of expansive soil using cohesive non-swelling soil layer under unidirectional seepage 姚海林 JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 2020
Numerical Study of Anisotropic Weakening Mechanism and Degree of Non-Persistent Open Joint Set on Rock Strength with Particle Flow Code 崔洁 KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 2020
Conductivity performance evaluation of fractures filled with proppant of different sizes in shale with LBM-DEM Zuo, Hong INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OIL GAS AND COAL TECHNOLOGY 2020
Reinforcement Mechanism and Optimisation of Reinforcement Approach of a High and Steep Slope Using Prestressed Anchor Cables 李剑 APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 2020
A 3D grain-based creep model (3D-GBCM) for simulating long-term mechanical characteristic of rock salt Li, Huan JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2020
Ice lens induced interfacial hydraulic resistance in frost heave 周家作 COLD REGIONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2020
An improved numerical manifold method with multiple layers of mathematical cover systems for the stability analysis of soil-rock-mixture slopes 杨永涛 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2020
Structural characteristics of columnar jointed basalt in drainage tunnel of Baihetan hydropower station and its influence on the behavior of P-wave anisotropy 夏英杰 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2020
Undrained dynamic behaviour of peaty organic soil under long-term cyclic loading, Part II: Constitutive model and simulation 陈成 SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2020
Quantifying the Morphology of Calcareous Sands by Dynamic Image Analysis 魏厚振 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS 2020
Experimental Investigation of Anisotropic Wear Damage for Natural Joints under Direct Shearing Test 江权 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS 2020
Deformation Behaviors and Dynamic Backbone Curve Model of Saturated Soft Clay under Bidirectional Cyclic Loading Huang, Juehao INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS 2020
Investigating the Scale Effect of Rock Mass in the Yangfanggou Hydropower Plant with the Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Approach 崔臻 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS 2020
Microstructural evolution of expansive clay during drying-wetting cycle 马田田 ACTA GEOTECHNICA 2020
Integrated Approach for Structural Stability Evaluation Using Real-Time Monitoring and Statistical Analysis: Underwater Shield Tunnel Case Study Tan, Xuyan JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES 2020