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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Fracture analysis of Beishan granite after high-temperature treatment using digital image correlation 苗舒婷 ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS 2020
Influence of relative humidity on the non-linear failure and stability of gypsum mines 夏开宗 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING 2020
Conditioning of resuspension excess sludge with chemical oxidation technology: The respective performance of filtration and expression stage in compression dewatering Tan, Xun SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY 2020
Influence of amygdale on crack evolution and failure behavior of basalt 张传庆 ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS 2020
Experimental Study of Moisture Content Effect on Geotechnical Properties of Solidified Municipal Sludge 陈亿军 ADVANCES IN POLYMER TECHNOLOGY 2020
Simulation of gas concentration during the process of air injection and extraction in a landfill 马骏 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY 2020
Effect of the intermediate principal stress on hydraulic fracturing in granite: an experimental study 潘鹏志 ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 2020
Preparing antibacterial and in-situ formable double crosslinking chitosan/hyaluronan composite hydrogels 胡海翔 MATERIALS LETTERS 2019
Evaluation of mountain slope stability considering the impact of geological interfaces using discrete fractures model Wang Lu-yu JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE 2019
Study on the attenuation parameters of blasting vibration velocity in jointed rock masses 于崇 BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2019
Analysis of stress evolution characteristics during TBM excavation in deep buried tunnels Jiang, Yue BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2019
Countermeasures of water and mud inrush disaster in completely weathered granite tunnels: a case study 袁敬强 ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 2019
Position design of the casing shoe of an abandoned horizontal salt cavern to be used for gas storage Zhang, Yuhao ENERGY SOURCES PART A-RECOVERY UTILIZATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS 2019
The Hydrodynamic Dispersion Characteristics of Coral Sands Cui, Xiang JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2019
Modeling of an excavation-induced rock fracturing process from continuity to discontinuity 潘鹏志 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS 2019
A mass lumping scheme for the 10-node tetrahedral element 张国华 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS 2019
Energy Release Analysis of a Severe Rockburst in a Headrace Tunnel Crossing a Tectonic Stress Zone 田洪铭 SHOCK AND VIBRATION 2019
Experimental study on repair characteristics of damaged rock salt of underground gas storage Yin Hong JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY 2019
Experimental study on the shear behavior of fully grouted bolts Li, Yuzong CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 2019
Shear tests of interfaces between calcareous sand and steel Wang, Xing MARINE GEORESOURCES & GEOTECHNOLOGY 2019