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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Application and prospect of hard rock TBM for deep roadway construction in coal mines 黄兴 TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 2018
The moving least squares based numerical manifold method for vibration and impact analysis of cracked bodies 李伟 ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS 2018
The linear analysis of thin shell problems using the numerical manifold method 郭宏伟 THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES 2018
Numerical study of soil-rock mixture: Generation of random aggregate structure 陈立 SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2018
A high order numerical manifold method and its application to linear elastic continuous and fracture problems 杨永涛 SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2018
Study on the Influence of Different Control Modes on TBM Disc Cutter Performance by Rotary Cutting Tests 彭星新 ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING 2018
In Situ Observation of Hard Surrounding Rock Displacement at 2400-m-Deep Tunnels 冯夏庭 ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING 2018
Response of Velocity Anisotropy of Shale Under Isotropic and Anisotropic Stress Fields 李霞颖 ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING 2018
Coupling model of aerobic waste degradation considering temperature, initial moisture content and air injection volume 马骏 WASTE MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH 2018
Applications of ultrasound imaging system for measuring water-sand parameters during sediment transport process in hydraulic model experiments 邹先坚 JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS 2018
Alteration characteristics of granite contact zone and treatment measures for inrush hazards during tunnel construction - A case study 张国华 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2018
Debrining prediction of a salt cavern used for compressed air energy storage 王同涛 ENERGY 2018
Experimental Investigation of the Peak Shear Strength Criterion Based on Three-Dimensional Surface Description 刘泉声 ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING 2018
Study of a borehole panoramic stereopair imaging system 王川婴 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 2018
A proposed method for estimating in-situ stress direction using panoramic stereo-pair imaging and stressed borehole geometric shapes 邹先坚 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 2018
Change in re-use value of incinerated sewage sludge ash due to chemical extraction of phosphorus 李江山 WASTE MANAGEMENT 2018
Simulation of rock dynamic failure using discontinuous numerical approach 张秀丽 COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS 2018
Undrained dynamic behaviour of peaty organic soil under long-term cyclic loading, Part I: Experimental investigation 陈成 SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2018
Conformal distance-sigmoidal transformation for evaluating 3D nearly singular integrals over triangular elements 谭飞 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS 2018