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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Development and in-situ application of a real-time monitoring system for the interaction between TBM and surrounding rock 黄兴 TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 2018
Study on the Influence of Bedding Density on Hydraulic Fracturing in Shale 郭印同 ARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2018
Experimental study on permeability characteristics of calcareous soil 王新志 BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2018
Engineering geological properties of weathered swelling mudstones and their effects on the landslides occurrence in the Yanji section of the Jilin-Hunchun high-speed railway 孔令伟 BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2018
Stability analysis of rock slopes against sliding or flexural-toppling failure 郑允 BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2018
Comparative study on dynamic shear behavior and failure mechanism of two types of granite joint 孟凡震 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2018
Microseismicity monitoring and failure mechanism analysis of rock masses with weak interlayer zone in underground intersecting chambers: A case study from the Baihetan Hydropower Station, China 赵金帅 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2018
Geostatistical analysis on the spatial variation of radiogenic elements in the crystalline basement of Grenville Province in the southwestern Quebec 刘贺娟 ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 2018
Influence of dry and wet seasons on disintegration characteristics of basalt residual soil from the Leizhou Peninsula, China 张先伟 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY 2018
Application of the Generalized Clapeyron Equation to Freezing Point Depression and Unfrozen Water Content 周家作 WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 2018
Experimental study of impact of anisotropy and heterogeneity on gas flow in coal. Part I: Diffusion and adsorption 檀玉玲 FUEL 2018
Stability analysis of a composite breakwater at Yantai port, China: An application of FSSI-CAS-2D 何坤鹏 OCEAN ENGINEERING 2018
Gas injection and brine discharge in rock salt gas storage studied via numerical simulation 刘建军 PLOS ONE 2018
A system for measuring borehole diametric deformation based on mechanical contact and micro-optical imaging 王川婴 MEASUREMENT 2018
Effect of an Imperfect Interface on Seismic Response of a Composite Lining Tunnel Subjected to SH-Waves 赵武胜 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS 2018
Experimental Evaluation of the Shear Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Calcareous Sands 魏厚振 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS 2018
Investigation on Heat Transfer Properties of Supercritical Water in a Rock Fracture for Enhanced Geothermal Systems 何媛媛 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS 2018
Power-to-gas based subsurface energy storage: A review 马建力 RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS 2018
Cutting force measurement and analyses of shell cutters on a mixshield tunnelling machine 黄兴 TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 2018
Structural health monitoring and analysis of an underwater TBM tunnel 杨建平 TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 2018