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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
A multilevel U-tube sampler for subsurface environmental monitoring 刘学浩 ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 2016
Modeling the hydromechanical responses of sandwich structure faults during underground fluid injection 魏晓琛 ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 2016
Assessing the applicability of unsaturated effective stress models to tensile fracturing of sandstone in CO2-water two-phase fluids 刘明泽 GREENHOUSE GASES-SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2016
An explicit integral solution for pressure build-up during CO2 injection into infinite saline aquifers 伍海清 GREENHOUSE GASES-SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2016
Experimental and Numerical Study on Scale Effects of Gas Emission from Coal Particles 胡少斌 TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA 2016
Effects of surface roughness on the heat transfer characteristics of water flow through a single granite fracture 何媛媛 COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS 2016
EOS7Cm: An improved TOUGH2 module for simulating non-isothermal multiphase and multicomponent flow in CO2-H2S-CH4 brine systems with high pressure, temperature and salinity 雷宏武 COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES 2016
Probabilistic back analysis for geotechnical engineering based on Bayesian and support vector machine 陈炳瑞 Journal of Central South University 2016
Equivalent elastic compliance tensor for rock mass with multiple persistent joint sets: Exact derivation via modified crack tensor 崔洁 JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY 2016
Modeling rock specimens through 3D printing: Tentative experiments and prospects 江权 ACTA MECHANICA SINICA 2016
Identifying geomechanical parameters of high cut rock slopes by an improved multi-output support vector machine method 李邵军 ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 2016
An approach for simulating the THMC process in single novaculite fracture using EPCA 潘鹏志 ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 2016
Back analysis of a debris landslide based on a real-time video recording: sliding process and post-slide investigation 江权 BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2016
The CPCT based CBIE and HBIE for potential problems in three dimensions 吕加贺 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS 2016
Solid analysis of micron-sized thin structures with BEM for steady-state heat conduction 吕加贺 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS 2016
Implementation of CPCT based BIEs for 3D elasticity and its application in fracture mechanics 吕加贺 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS 2016
A new dual reciprocity hybrid boundary node method based on Shepard and Taylor interpolation method and Chebyshev polynomials 晏飞 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS 2016
Fractal behaviour of the microseismic energy associated with immediate rockbursts in deep, hard rock tunnels 冯夏庭 TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 2016
Mechanism of evolution of stress-structure controlled collapse of surrounding rock in caverns: A case study from the Baihetan hydropower station in China 肖亚勋 TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 2016
Rock mass failure mechanisms during the evolution process of rockbursts in tunnels 肖亚勋 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 2016