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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Stability analysis of statically indeterminate blocks in key block theory and application to rock slope in Jinping-I Hydropower Station 孙冠华 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2015
Mixed linear complementarity formulation of discontinuous deformation analysis 郑宏 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 2015
Construct 'FE-Meshfree' Quad4 using mean value coordinates 杨永涛 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2015
Condensed form of complementarity formulation for discontinuous deformation analysis 李小凯 Science China Technological Sciences 2015
Study on dewaterability of municipal sludge conditioning by physical conditioners with ultrasonic and magnetic field application 薛强 DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT 2015
Experimental study on municipal sludge dewatering capacity by using quicklime and slag 薛强 DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT 2015
Effect of drying-wetting cycles on leaching behavior of cement solidified lead-contaminated soil 李江山 CHEMOSPHERE 2015
Effect of lead (II) on the mechanical behavior and microstructure development of a Chinese clay 李江山 APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE 2015
Precipitates in landfill leachate mediated by dissolved organic matters 李振泽 JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 2015
Evaluation of the potential release of phosphorus from phosphate waste rock piles in different environmental scenarios 姜利国 ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 2015
Enhanced washing for Cr(VI) removal from contaminated soil using EDTA and microwave radiation 李江山 Environmental Earth Sciences 2015
Solidification/stabilization of lead-contaminated soil using cement and waste phosphorus slag 李江山 Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy 2015
Influence factor analysis of the electricity-dipole method for landfill leakage detection on HDPE membrane 肖凯 ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 2015
Development of epoxy-silicone rubber-based geotechnical similar material and its engineering application 陈浩 MATERIALS RESEARCH INNOVATIONS 2015
High-speed ring shear tests to study the motion and acceleration processes of the Yingong landslide 胡明鉴 JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE 2015
Numerical simulation of the wave-induced dynamic response of poro-elastoplastic seabed foundations and a composite breakwater 叶剑红 APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING 2015
Seismic dynamics of offshore breakwater on liquefiable seabed foundation 叶剑红 SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2015
An improved hybrid boundary node method for 2D crack problems 谭飞 ARCHIVE OF APPLIED MECHANICS 2015
A coupled thermo-mechanical discontinuum model for simulating rock cracking induced by temperature stresses 焦玉勇 COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS 2015
Numerical and experimental investigation on the stability of slopes threatened by earthquakes 焦玉勇 ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES 2015