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Effects of Fe and Al ions during hydrogen sulphide (H2S)-induced corrosion of tetracalcium aluminoferrite (C(4)AF) and tricalcium aluminate (C(3)A) Mei, Kaiyuan JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 2021
A quantitative analysis of the effect of end plate of fully-grouted bolts on the global stability of tunnel Cui, Lan TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 2021
In situ test of excavation damaged zone of columnar jointed rock masses under different borehole conditions Sun, Qiancheng BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2021
Rock damage and fracturing induced by high static stress and slightly dynamic disturbance with acoustic emission and digital image correlation techniques Miao, Shuting JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 2021
Influence of rock strength on the mechanical behavior and P-velocity evolution of coal-rock combination specimen Zhao, Tong-bin JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T 2021
An improved specimen preparation method for marine shallow gas-bearing sand sediments and its validations Wang, Yong JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 2021
A systematic assessment of aeration rate effect on aerobic degradation of municipal solid waste based on leachate chemical oxygen demand removal Ma, Jun CHEMOSPHERE 2021
Influence of seawater on the mechanical and microstructural properties of lime-incineration sewage sludge ash pastes Zhou, Yifan CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 2021
Influence of bedding structure on stress-induced elastic wave anisotropy in tight sandstones Li, Xiaying JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 2021
Experimental and numerical study on crack propagation and coalescence in rock-like materials under compression Li, Xiaojing JOURNAL OF STRAIN ANALYSIS FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN 2021
Microseismicity-based method for the dynamic estimation of the potential rockburst scale during tunnel excavation Liu, Guo-Feng BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2021
Use of self-hardening slurry for trench cutoff wall: A review Huang, Xiao CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 2021
Extensions of the dynamic Newmark method for seismic stability analysis of a rock block Fu, Xiaodong INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS IN GEOMECHANICS 2021
An efficient and robust method for structural distributed load identification based on mesh superposition approach Liu, He MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING 2021
Hydromechanical behaviors of andesite under different stress states during fluid injection He, Miao JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 2021
An extended numerical manifold method for unsaturated soil-water interaction analysis at micro-scale Sun, Hao INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS IN GEOMECHANICS 2021
Study on the Permeability Characteristics of Foamed Concrete Using a Pore-Scale Model from X-Ray Microcomputed Tomography Image Reconstruction and Numerical Simulation Yuan, Jingqiang JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 2021
Reproduction Method of Rockfall Geologic Hazards Based on Oblique Photography and Three-Dimensional Discontinuous Deformation Analysis Fu, Xiaodong FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE 2021
Strain characteristics and permeability evolution of faults under stress disturbance monitoring by fibre bragg grating sensing and pressure pulses Xu, Lifeng GEOMECHANICS AND GEOPHYSICS FOR GEO-ENERGY AND GEO-RESOURCES 2021
Deformation Development Mechanism in a Loess Slope With Seepage Fissures Subjected to Rainfall and Traffic Load Leng, Xianlun FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE 2021