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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Comprehensive Determination of Reinforcement Parameters for High Cut Slope Based on Intelligent Optimization and Numerical Analysis 李邵军 JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCE 2012
The modelling of biochemical-thermal coupling effect on gas generation and transport in MSW landfill 刘磊 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND POLLUTION 2012
The influence of the intermediate principal stress on rock failure behaviour: A numerical study 潘鹏志 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2012
Analysis of failure of a bridge foundation under rock impact 鲁燕儿 ACTA GEOTECHNICA 2012
Study on static and dynamic strength characteristics of tailings silty sand and its engineering application 刘海明 SAFETY SCIENCE 2012
Contrast experiments of methane adsorption characteristics of different coal 李小泉 DISASTER ADVANCES 2012
Failure Mode and Safety Assessment of Rock Mass around Anchorage on Rock Slope 刘秀敏 DISASTER ADVANCES 2012
An experimental study on shear mechanical behavior of heterogeneous discontinuities under saturated condition 鲁祖德 DISASTER ADVANCES 2012
Dual reciprocity hybrid radial boundary node method for the analysis of Kirchhoff plates 晏飞 APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING 2012
A coupled elasto-plastic-damage mechanical model for marble 周辉 SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2012
In situ experiments on width and evolution characteristics of excavation damaged zone in deeply buried tunnels 李邵军 SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2012
Study on mechanical parameters of fractured rock masses 陈卫忠 SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2012
Analytical and numerical solutions on the response of pore pressure to cyclic atmospheric loading: with application to Horonobe underground research laboratory, Japan 李琦 ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 2012
The influence of the intermediate principal stress on rock failure behaviour: A numerical study 潘鹏志 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2012
A new apparatus for investigating stress, deformation and seepage coupling properties of rock fractures 刘才华 JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 2011
Modelling fluid flow through a single fracture with different contacts using cellular automata 潘鹏志 COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS 2011
Intelligent Stability Design of Large Underground Hydraulic Caverns: Chinese Method and Practice 江权 ENERGIES 2011
Some Observations on the Performance of the Signal Matching Technique in Assessment of Pile Integrity 柴华友 JOURNAL OF NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION 2011
Engineering characteristics of the calcareous sand in Nansha Islands, South China Sea 王新志 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2011
Factors affecting phenol adsorption on clay-solidified grouting curtain JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 2011