性别: 女
职称: 副研究员
学历: 博士研究生
电子邮件: lcui@whrsm.ac.cn
湖北省武汉市武昌区水果湖街小洪山2号 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所

[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,复杂水力条件下硬岩软化-剪胀-渗透宏微观特性及其对深部隧洞稳定性影响研究,2021.1-今,负责人。
[2] 博士后优秀学术专著资助项目,深埋隧洞应变软化围岩变形及与支护相互作用机理,2021,负责人。
[3] 博士后特别资助项目,高应力下应变软化-剪胀性硬岩隧道变形机理及锚杆设计,2018.6-2018.12,负责人。
[4] 博士后面上资助项目,高应力下应变软化-剪胀性硬岩大变形机理与控制方法,2017.11-2018.12,负责人。
[5] 工程科研项目,高速铁路山岭隧道智能化建造技术研究-围岩破坏状态与围岩压力代表值研究,2019.11-今,负责人。
[6] 国家自然科学基金重大项目,不良地质段跨海隧道的地震破坏机理与抗震韧性设计方法,2020.1-今,参与人。
[7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于约束阻尼理论的强震区隧道复合减震层结构工作机制研究,2021.01-今,参与人。
[8] 工程科研项目,武汉和平大道南延(中山路~张之洞路)工程黄鹤楼隧道修建技术研究,2018.9-今,参与人。
[1] Cui Lan, Sheng Qian, Dong You-kou, Ruan Bin, Xu Dan-dan. A quantitative analysis of the effect of end plate of fully-grouted bolts on the global stability of tunnel. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2021, 8: 104010: 1-17
[2] Cui Lan, Sheng Qian, Zheng Jun-jie, Cui Zhen, Wang An, Shen Qiang. Regression model for predicting tunnel strain in strain-softening rock mass for underground openings. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2019, 119, 81-97.
[3] Cui Lan, Dong You-kou, Sheng Qian, Shen Qiang. New numerical procedures for fully-grouted bolt in the rock mass with slip and non-slip cases at the rock-bolt interface. Construction and Building Materials. 2019, 204: 849-863.
[4] Cui Lan, Zheng Jun-jie, Sheng Qian, Pan Yu. A simplified procedure for the interaction between fully-grouted bolts and rock mass for circular tunnels. Computers and Geotechnics. 2019, 106, 177-192.
[5] Cui Lan, Zheng Jun-Jie, Dong You-kou, Zhang Biao, Wang An. Prediction of critical strains and critical support pressures for circular tunnel excavated in strain-softening rock mass. Engineering Geology. 2017, 224, 43-61.
[6] Cui Lan, Zheng Jun-Jie, Zhang Rong-Jun, Dong You-Kou. Elasto-plastic analysis of a circular opening in rock mass with confining stress-dependent strain-softening behaviour. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2015, 50: 94-108.
[7] Cui Lan, Zheng Jun-Jie, Zhang Rong-Jun, Lai Han-Jiang. A numerical procedure for the fictitious support pressure in the application of the convergence-confinement method for circular tunnel design. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2015, 78: 336-349.
[8] 崔 岚, 郑俊杰, 苗晨曦, 董友扣. 隧道纵向变形曲线与围岩特征曲线耦合分析. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(4): 708-715.
[9] 崔 岚, 郑俊杰, 章荣军, 张 威. 考虑剪胀效应的深埋圆形隧道围岩应变软化弹塑性解. 岩土力学, 2014, 35(4): 1188-1193.
[10] 崔 岚, 郑俊杰, 章荣军, 张 威. 弹塑性软化模型下隧洞围岩变形与支护压力分析. 岩土力学, 2014, 35(3): 718-722.
[11] 崔 岚, 郑俊杰, 章荣军, 余 舜. 软弱破碎带隧道围岩变形及初期支护受力分析. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 11(40): 54-57.