个人信息Personal Information


职称: 副研究员


学历: 博士研究生



电子邮件: liuliu@mail.whrsm.ac.cn


湖北省武汉市武昌区水果湖街小洪山2号 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所

简 历Personal Profile

  • 刘鎏,男,1992年5月生,副研究员。2021年4月获同济大学地质工程博士学位(硕博连读),2018年9月-2020年12月在美国堪萨斯大学地球物理专业联合培养。2021年5月入职中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所,历任助理研究员、青年副研究员、副研究员。入选第八届中国科协青年人才托举工程,武汉英才。

    主要从事岩土工程地球物理探测理论、方法和装备方面的研究,主持国家自然科学基金2项(面上1项、青年1项),国家重点研发CZ铁路专项子课题等项目,参与中国科学院A类先导项目和中国锦屏地下实验室等项目。发表学术论文50余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者在EG,TUST,RMRE,GEOPHYSICS,IEEE TGRS,IJMST等行业权威期刊发表SCI检索论文20余篇。第一作者发表SPRINGER英文专著1部。授权了中国发明专利30余项,美国发明专利6项,软件著作权5项,参编规范3部。获中国公路学会和同济大学优秀博士论文奖,上海市技术发明一等奖(排2),湖北省科技进步一等奖(排5),中国岩石力学与工程学会科技进步一等奖(排5),中国地质学会十大地质科技进展奖(排4)和湖北省高价值专利大赛金奖(排1)等荣誉。发明的探测方法和装备形成产业化,尤其是桩底溶洞声呐探测得到了交通运输部、广西、贵州、河北等岩溶地区勘察规范在多项关键指标上的实质性推荐。(Last updated: Jan,2025)

  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会任职Social Service
  • 承担科研项目情况Undertaking Research Projects
  • [1] 岩土体钻孔/随钻地球物理探测

    [2] 深地工程微震监测

    [3] 超声阵列无损检测

    [4] 工程物探和无损检测装备研发

  • [1] Rock Mechanics Bulletin期刊青年编委

    [2] Intelligent Geoengineering 期刊青年编委

    [3] 中国岩石力学与工程学会岩石力学测试专业委员会委员

    [4] 中国岩石力学与工程学会岩溶勘察与基础工程专业委员会委员

    [5] 中国岩石力学与工程学会青年工作委员会委员

    [6] 中国地球物理学会隧道与地下工程专业委员会委员

    [7] SEG国际勘探地球物理学家学会会员

    [8] AGU美国地球物理学会会员

    [9] Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Geophysics, Measurement, Near surface geophysics, Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration & Active Control, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Geo-spatial Information Science, Journal of Cleaner Production, Case studies in construction materials等SCI期刊审稿人

  • [1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42477195,深埋隧道超前随钻震源函数解译与全波场成像方法研究,2025-012029-1247万元,主持

    [2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,42207211,深埋隧道岩体结构面的光-声联合响应机制与识别方法,2023-012025-1230万元,主持

    [3] 国家重点研发计划子课题,2021YFB2300505-01-01,深部岩体随钻关键参数自动采集装备,2021-122024-1183万元,主持

    [4] 第八届中国科协青年人才托举工程项目,20222024,主持

    [5] 武汉市知识创新专项项目曙光计划项目,深部工程岩体结构随钻地震波探测系统,2023-06 2025-0610万元,主持

    [6] 武汉英才,深部工程岩体结构钻杆直感监测及随钻成像系统,2022-01 2023-1220万元,主持

    [7] 岩土及地下工程教育部重点实验室开放课题,KLE-TJGE-G2304,岩体不良地质的随钻冲击震源尾波干涉识别方法,2023-102025-093万元,主持

    [8] 木兰英才,煤矿巷道围岩地质条件随钻原位测试技术与装备研究,20万元,主持

    [9] 中国水利水电第十四工程局,川藏铁路隧道TBM成套施工技术研究,2022-092027-03,参与

    [10] 中国水利水电第五工程局,锦屏大设施施工标岩爆微震监测与预警,2021-072021-11,参与

    [11] 湖北省交通规划规划设计院股份有限公司,板块活跃区公路高应力隧道岩爆灾害评估及防控技术研究,2023-022026-02,参与

    [12] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42172296,桩位岩溶精细化声波探测的全波形反演评价方法研究,2022-012025-12,参与

  • 代表论著Representative Treatises
  • 获奖及荣誉Awards and Honors
  • [1] Liu,Liu.,Shi,Zhenming.,Peng,Ming.,Li,Shaojun.,Tao,Fengjuan. (2024). Detection of karst voids at deep pile foundation. Springer,ISBN: 978-981-97-5834-0.

    [2] Liu,Liu.,Li,Shaojun*.,Zheng,Minzong et al.,(2024). Inverting the rock mass P-wave velocity field ahead of deep buried tunnel face while borehole drilling. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,34(5):681-697.

    [3] Liu,Liu.,Li,Shaojun*.,Zheng,Minzong et al.,(2024). Identification of rock discontinuities by coda wave analysis while borehole drilling in deep buried tunnels. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 82, 50-65.

    [4] Liu, Liu*., Shi, Zhenming., Li, Shaojun et al., (2023). A system for inspecting karst voids during construction of cast-in-place pile foundations.Engineering Geology, 107124.

    [5] Liu, Liu.,Li, Shaojun*., Xiao, Yaxun et al., (2023). An inverted heterogeneous velocity model for microseismic source location in deep buried tunnels. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 56(7), 4855-4880.

    [6] Liu, Liu*., Li, Shaojun., Jiang, Xi et al., (2022). A new two-sensor non-destructive testing method of grouted rock bolts. Construction and Building Materials, 317, 125919.

    [7] Liu, Liu*., Shi, Zhenming., Tsoflias, G. P et al., (2022). Detection of karst voids at pile foundation by full-waveform inversion of single borehole sonic data. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 152, 107048.

    [8] Liu, Liu., Shi, Zhenming., Tsoflias, G. P* et al.,(2021). Detection of karst cavity beneath cast-in-place pile using instantaneous phase difference of two receiver recordings. Geophysics, 86(1): EN27-EN38.

    [9] Liu, Liu., Shi, Zhenming., Peng, Ming* et al., (2020). A borehole multifrequency acoustic wave system for karst detection near piles.Journal of Applied Geophysics,104051

    [10] Liu, Liu., Shi, Zhenming., Peng, Ming* et al., (2018). Numerical modeling for karst cavity sonar detection beneath bored cast in situ pile using 3D staggered grid finite difference method.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 82, 50-65.

    [11] Shen, Jian., Liu, Liu*., Li, Shaojun et al., (2025). Azimuthal imaging of rock fractures by incorporating single borehole radar and optical data. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering.

    [12] Wang, Dengyi., Peng, Ming., Liu, Liu* et al., (2025).Automatic GPR Detection of Grouting Defects behind the Tumel shield Seaments Based on Wavelet coherence Anavsis combined with Modiied Res-RCNN. Case Studies in Construction Materials.

    [13] Xia, Chengzhi., Shi, Zhenming., Zhao, Yongzhi., Meng, Shaoqiang., Zhou, Lin.,Liu, Liu*. (2025). A novel hybrid SPH-DEM approach for simulating rockburst behavior in tunnel excavation. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,156: 106269.

    [14] Shen, Jian., Shi, Zhenming., Liu, Liu* et al., (2024). A CNN-based method to construct a laterally heterogeneous s-wave velocity model from spatially windowed surface wave data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

    [15] Wang, B., Zhou, XX., Liu, Liu* et al., (2025). Detection of grouting defects behind shield segments via shear wave ultrasound arrays: numerical and full-scale model experiments. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 157: 106287.

    [16] Shen, Jian., Liu, Liu*, Shi, Zhenming et al., (2024). Fast concrete crack depth detection using low frequency ultrasound array SH waves data. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 105530

    [17] Zheng, Lingxiao., Zhang, Fengshou., Liu, Liu* et al., (2024). DEM analysis of the P-wave anisotropy response to the microstructure of sedimentary rock under biaxial compression. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 1-25.

    [18] Xiao, Yaxun., Guo, Jianing., Chen, Shujie., Liu, Liu* et al.,(2024). Digitalization of rock fracture signal identification from tunnel microseismic data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.

    [19] Xiao, Yaxun., Chen, Shujie., Liu, Liu* et al., (2023). Determining S-wave arrival times for microseismic monitoring in tunnels based on instantaneous phase difference of sensors. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 57(3), 1781-1797.

    [20] Peng, Ming., Wang, Dengyi., Liu, Liu* et al., (2021). Recent advances in the GPR detection of grouting defects behind shield tunnel segments. Remote Sensing, 13(22), 4596. 

  • [1] 2022上海市技术发明一等奖,建设工程复杂岩溶精准探测与基础施工质量检测关键技术及成套装备,第二完成人

    [2] 2021湖北省科学技术进步奖一等奖,高应力强卸荷下地下工程硬岩劣化机制与灾变防控关键技术,第五完成人

    [3] 2017中国地质学会十大地质科技进展奖,井下超前探放水和水害监测关键技术系统研究,第四完成人

    [4] 2022中国岩石力学与工程学会科技进步一等奖,岩土锚固机制与服役形状评价关键技术及应用,第五完成人

    [5] 2020山西省科学技术进步奖一等奖,随钻钻孔电磁波层析成像超前探水设备及方法研究,第七完成人

    [6] 2021湖北省高价值专利大赛金奖,一种桩底溶洞声呐探测装置及方法,第一完成人

    [7] 2022中国公路学会优秀博士学位论文

    [8] 2022同济大学优秀博士学位论文

研究方向Research Focus

[1] 岩土体钻孔/随钻地球物理探测

[2] 深地工程微震监测

[3] 超声阵列无损检测

[4] 工程物探和无损检测装备研发

社会任职Social Service

[1] Rock Mechanics Bulletin期刊青年编委

[2] Intelligent Geoengineering 期刊青年编委

[3] 中国岩石力学与工程学会岩石力学测试专业委员会委员

[4] 中国岩石力学与工程学会岩溶勘察与基础工程专业委员会委员

[5] 中国岩石力学与工程学会青年工作委员会委员

[6] 中国地球物理学会隧道与地下工程专业委员会委员

[7] SEG国际勘探地球物理学家学会会员

[8] AGU美国地球物理学会会员

[9] Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Geophysics, Measurement, Near surface geophysics, Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration & Active Control, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Geo-spatial Information Science, Journal of Cleaner Production, Case studies in construction materials等SCI期刊审稿人

承担科研项目情况Undertaking Research Projects

[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42477195,深埋隧道超前随钻震源函数解译与全波场成像方法研究,2025-012029-1247万元,主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,42207211,深埋隧道岩体结构面的光-声联合响应机制与识别方法,2023-012025-1230万元,主持

[3] 国家重点研发计划子课题,2021YFB2300505-01-01,深部岩体随钻关键参数自动采集装备,2021-122024-1183万元,主持

[4] 第八届中国科协青年人才托举工程项目,20222024,主持

[5] 武汉市知识创新专项项目曙光计划项目,深部工程岩体结构随钻地震波探测系统,2023-06 2025-0610万元,主持

[6] 武汉英才,深部工程岩体结构钻杆直感监测及随钻成像系统,2022-01 2023-1220万元,主持

[7] 岩土及地下工程教育部重点实验室开放课题,KLE-TJGE-G2304,岩体不良地质的随钻冲击震源尾波干涉识别方法,2023-102025-093万元,主持

[8] 木兰英才,煤矿巷道围岩地质条件随钻原位测试技术与装备研究,20万元,主持

[9] 中国水利水电第十四工程局,川藏铁路隧道TBM成套施工技术研究,2022-092027-03,参与

[10] 中国水利水电第五工程局,锦屏大设施施工标岩爆微震监测与预警,2021-072021-11,参与

[11] 湖北省交通规划规划设计院股份有限公司,板块活跃区公路高应力隧道岩爆灾害评估及防控技术研究,2023-022026-02,参与

[12] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42172296,桩位岩溶精细化声波探测的全波形反演评价方法研究,2022-012025-12,参与

代表论著Representative Treatises

[1] Liu,Liu.,Shi,Zhenming.,Peng,Ming.,Li,Shaojun.,Tao,Fengjuan. (2024). Detection of karst voids at deep pile foundation. Springer,ISBN: 978-981-97-5834-0.

[2] Liu,Liu.,Li,Shaojun*.,Zheng,Minzong et al.,(2024). Inverting the rock mass P-wave velocity field ahead of deep buried tunnel face while borehole drilling. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,34(5):681-697.

[3] Liu,Liu.,Li,Shaojun*.,Zheng,Minzong et al.,(2024). Identification of rock discontinuities by coda wave analysis while borehole drilling in deep buried tunnels. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 82, 50-65.

[4] Liu, Liu*., Shi, Zhenming., Li, Shaojun et al., (2023). A system for inspecting karst voids during construction of cast-in-place pile foundations.Engineering Geology, 107124.

[5] Liu, Liu.,Li, Shaojun*., Xiao, Yaxun et al., (2023). An inverted heterogeneous velocity model for microseismic source location in deep buried tunnels. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 56(7), 4855-4880.

[6] Liu, Liu*., Li, Shaojun., Jiang, Xi et al., (2022). A new two-sensor non-destructive testing method of grouted rock bolts. Construction and Building Materials, 317, 125919.

[7] Liu, Liu*., Shi, Zhenming., Tsoflias, G. P et al., (2022). Detection of karst voids at pile foundation by full-waveform inversion of single borehole sonic data. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 152, 107048.

[8] Liu, Liu., Shi, Zhenming., Tsoflias, G. P* et al.,(2021). Detection of karst cavity beneath cast-in-place pile using instantaneous phase difference of two receiver recordings. Geophysics, 86(1): EN27-EN38.

[9] Liu, Liu., Shi, Zhenming., Peng, Ming* et al., (2020). A borehole multifrequency acoustic wave system for karst detection near piles.Journal of Applied Geophysics,104051

[10] Liu, Liu., Shi, Zhenming., Peng, Ming* et al., (2018). Numerical modeling for karst cavity sonar detection beneath bored cast in situ pile using 3D staggered grid finite difference method.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 82, 50-65.

[11] Shen, Jian., Liu, Liu*., Li, Shaojun et al., (2025). Azimuthal imaging of rock fractures by incorporating single borehole radar and optical data. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering.

[12] Wang, Dengyi., Peng, Ming., Liu, Liu* et al., (2025).Automatic GPR Detection of Grouting Defects behind the Tumel shield Seaments Based on Wavelet coherence Anavsis combined with Modiied Res-RCNN. Case Studies in Construction Materials.

[13] Xia, Chengzhi., Shi, Zhenming., Zhao, Yongzhi., Meng, Shaoqiang., Zhou, Lin.,Liu, Liu*. (2025). A novel hybrid SPH-DEM approach for simulating rockburst behavior in tunnel excavation. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,156: 106269.

[14] Shen, Jian., Shi, Zhenming., Liu, Liu* et al., (2024). A CNN-based method to construct a laterally heterogeneous s-wave velocity model from spatially windowed surface wave data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

[15] Wang, B., Zhou, XX., Liu, Liu* et al., (2025). Detection of grouting defects behind shield segments via shear wave ultrasound arrays: numerical and full-scale model experiments. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 157: 106287.

[16] Shen, Jian., Liu, Liu*, Shi, Zhenming et al., (2024). Fast concrete crack depth detection using low frequency ultrasound array SH waves data. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 105530

[17] Zheng, Lingxiao., Zhang, Fengshou., Liu, Liu* et al., (2024). DEM analysis of the P-wave anisotropy response to the microstructure of sedimentary rock under biaxial compression. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 1-25.

[18] Xiao, Yaxun., Guo, Jianing., Chen, Shujie., Liu, Liu* et al.,(2024). Digitalization of rock fracture signal identification from tunnel microseismic data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.

[19] Xiao, Yaxun., Chen, Shujie., Liu, Liu* et al., (2023). Determining S-wave arrival times for microseismic monitoring in tunnels based on instantaneous phase difference of sensors. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 57(3), 1781-1797.

[20] Peng, Ming., Wang, Dengyi., Liu, Liu* et al., (2021). Recent advances in the GPR detection of grouting defects behind shield tunnel segments. Remote Sensing, 13(22), 4596. 

获奖及荣誉Awards and Honors

[1] 2022上海市技术发明一等奖,建设工程复杂岩溶精准探测与基础施工质量检测关键技术及成套装备,第二完成人

[2] 2021湖北省科学技术进步奖一等奖,高应力强卸荷下地下工程硬岩劣化机制与灾变防控关键技术,第五完成人

[3] 2017中国地质学会十大地质科技进展奖,井下超前探放水和水害监测关键技术系统研究,第四完成人

[4] 2022中国岩石力学与工程学会科技进步一等奖,岩土锚固机制与服役形状评价关键技术及应用,第五完成人

[5] 2020山西省科学技术进步奖一等奖,随钻钻孔电磁波层析成像超前探水设备及方法研究,第七完成人

[6] 2021湖北省高价值专利大赛金奖,一种桩底溶洞声呐探测装置及方法,第一完成人

[7] 2022中国公路学会优秀博士学位论文

[8] 2022同济大学优秀博士学位论文