性别: 男
职称: 副研究员
学历: 博士研究生
电子邮件: zxchen@whrsm.ac.cn
湖北省武汉市武昌区水果湖街小洪山2号 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所

[1] 土工测试理论-技术与装备
[2] 岩土温压相变及其行为
[3] 跨尺度岩土力学分析方法
[4] 岩土工程监测与传感技术
[1] 期刊客座编辑:Processes-“Recent Advances in Environment and Energy Related Processes in Offshore Geotechnical Engineering”(JCR分区 Q2)
[2] SCI国际期刊审稿人:Computational Particle Mechanics(JCR分区Q1)、Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment(JCR分区Q1)等
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,有机污染土中多相流体温压相变机制与热蒸驱替过程模拟研究,2024-01 至2026-12,主持
[2] 国家重大科研仪器研制项目,有机污染土体多场多相流热蒸驱替试验系统,2019-01 至 2023-12,参与/执行负责人
[3] 国家自然科学基金专项项目,水工岩土工程学科发展战略研究,2023-01 至2023-12,参与
[4] 内蒙古自治区科技重大专项,黄河流域内蒙古段湖泊底泥污染控制与生态化利用关键技术研究,2021-07 至 2025-06,参与
[1] Chen,ZX.,Wang,PP.,Wan,Y.,et al. Coupled surface-internal deformation monitoring in three-dimensional space for freezing-thawing soil[J]. Soils and Foundations,2024,64(3):101468.
[2] Chen ZX.,Yu HY.,Wan,Y.,et al.,Temperature-dependent relationship between the water content and electrical conductivity of soils[J]. Environmental Geotechnics,2023,https://doi.org/10.1680/jenge.23.00013
[3] Chen ZX.,Hua L.,Wan Y.,et al. Three dimensional stress and strain state of the offshore fill during the one-dimensional consolidation process[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2023, 42(8): 957-965.
[4] Chen, ZX., Feng, YF., Zhang XC., et al. Similarity criterion for the nonlinear thermal analysis of soil freezing process: Considering the dual effect of nonlinear thermal parameters and boundary conditions[J]. Acta Geotechnica, 2022, 17(12): 5709-5719.
[5] Chen, ZX., Guo, XX., Shao, LT., et al. Sensitivity analysis of the frozen soil nonlinear latent heat and its precise transformation method[J]. Geophysical Journal International, 2022, 228(1): 240-249.
[6] Chen, ZX., Guo, XX., Shao, LT., et al. 2021. Design of a three-dimensional earth pressure device and its application in a tailings dam construction simulation experiment[J]. Acta Geotechnica, 2021, 16(7): 2203–2216.
[7] Chen, ZX., Guo, XX., Shao, LT., et al. 2021. Sensitivity analysis of thermal factors affecting the nonlinear freezing process of soil[J]. Soils and Foundations, 2021, 61(3): 886-900.
[8] Yu, HY., Chen, ZX.*, Wan, Y., et al. Temperature-humidity-density dependent evaporation behaviour of clay and sandy clay[J]. European Journal of Soil Science, 2024, 75(2): e13484.
[9] Liu, LY., Chen, ZX.*, Wan, Y., et al. Inversion method and evolutionary behavior of matric suction for diesel contaminated soil[J]. Environmental Geotechnics, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1680/jenge.23.00099
[10] 陈之祥, 邵龙潭, 李顺群*, 等. 三维真土压力盒的设计与应力参数的计算[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2020, 42(11): 2138-2145.
[1] 陈之祥, 薛强, 万勇, 等. 高温高压声波声发射传感器及检测方法: 中国, 2024111356460[P]. 2024-08-19.
[2] 薛强, 陈之祥, 万勇, 等. 高温高压岩心驱替试验系统及方法: 中国,ZL2024111342788[P]. 2024-08-19.
[3] 薛强, 陈之祥, 万勇, 等. 一种多相流圆柱模型试验系统及试验方法: 中国, ZL2021115247473[P]. 2022-11-03.
[4] 陈之祥, 郭晓霞, 邵龙潭, 等. 一种适用于结构体的奇异三轴试验装置及其实施方法: 中国, ZL201911210287X[P]. 2021-04-16.
[5] 陈之祥, 李顺群, 杨文喜, 等. 微型三维土压力盒及其测试方法: 中国, ZL2016107615044[P]. 2018-02-06.
[1] 第49届日内瓦国际发明展金奖,2023,Intelligent device and technology for damage detection of waste landfill anti-seepage layer,排名4/9.
[2] 天津市科技进步二等奖,2019,改性固化盐渍土的抗冻融特性与工程应用,排名4/8.