个人信息Personal Information


职称: 副研究员


学历: 博士研究生



电子邮件: xxhe@whrsm.ac.cn


湖北省武汉市武昌区水果湖街小洪山2号 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所

简 历Personal Profile

  • 何星星,男,河南信阳人,1993年出生,博士,副研究员。2021年获中国科学院大学(武汉岩土力学研究所)岩土工程专业博士学位,同年进入清华大学水利系开展博士后研究工作,202312月份博士后出站并进入中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所工作。长期从事环境与生态岩土工程学科交叉研究,重点围绕废弃泥渣改性固化与资源化利用开展基础理论与技术研究工作。主持了国家自然科学基金青年基金、中国科学院战略性先导计划项目子任务、博士后面上基金项目等科研项目6项。在《Canadian Geotechnical Journal》、《Engineering Geology》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》等环境与岩土工程领域国际知名期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,授权发明专利10余项,参编行业/团体标准3项、专著1部,获得省部级科技进步一等奖1项。

  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会任职Social Service
  • 承担科研项目情况Undertaking Research Projects
  • (1)软弱地基土低碳高效加固理论、材料与方法



  • 中国岩石力学与工程学会环境岩土工程分会青年工作委员会委员

  • (1)国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:力-化学耦合作用下固化淤泥力学特性与分级调控方法研究,2023.01-2025.12,主持






  • 代表论著Representative Treatises
  • 获奖及荣誉Awards and Honors
  • [1]He,X.X.,Wan,Y.,Chen,Y.J.,Tan,X.,Wang,S.Q.,Liu,X. L.,& Xue,Q. (2024). Strength improvement of high organic dredged soil by solidification/oxidization synergistic method. Canadian Geotechnical Journal,(ja).

    [2] He,X.X.,Xue,J.F.,Liao,M.J.,Wan,Y.,Liu,X.L.,Chen,Y.J.,& Xue,Q. (2023). Strength and hygroscopic behavior of biopolymer-treated silty sand under remodeling and dry-wet cycles. Construction and Building Materials,408,133642.

    [3] He,X.X.,Chen,Y.J., Li, Y., Guo, D.D., Xue, Q., Wang, S.Q., ... & Liu, L. (2022). Consolidation behavior and microstructure properties of cement-treated dredged soil during the stress curing. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 40(4), 500-510.

    [4] He, X.X., Chen, Y., Tan, X., Wang, S.Q, & Liu, L. (2020). Determining the water content and void ratio of cement-treated dredged soil from the hydration degree of cement. Engineering Geology, 279, 105892.

    [5] He, X.X., Chen, Y.J, Wan, Y., Liu, L., & Xue, Q. (2020). Effect of curing stress on compression behavior of cement-treated dredged sediment. International Journal of Geomechanics, 20(11), 04020204.

    [6] Feng, D.Z, Liang, B.,Wan, Y.,Yi, F.,Liu, L.,Zhang, Y.,& He, X.X*. (2024). Mechanical and water stability properties of biopolymer-treated silty sand. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.

    [7] Wu, Y.H., Wan, Y.,He, X.X*., Cai, Y.Y., Xu, W.N., Zhao, B.J, & Shen, Y.Y. (2024). Improving the impermeability and mechanical properties of the Yellow River sediment with polymer gels. Case Studies in Construction Materials, e03246.

    [8] Wang, S.Q, He, X.X.*, Cai, G.H., Li, J.S., Qin, H., Ma, Y., ... & Lang, L. (2024). Strength characteristic and micro-mechanism of organic dredged sludge solidified by cement incorporating sodium persulfate. Developments in the Built Environment, 17, 100323.

    [9] Wan, Y., Hui, X.M.N., He, X.X.*, Li, J.S., Xue, J., Feng, D.Z., ... & Wang, S. Q.(2022). Performance of green binder developed from flue gas desulfurization gypsum incorporating Portland cement and large-volume fly ash. Construction and Building Materials, 348, 128679.

    [10] Wan, Y., Hui, X.M.N, He, X.X.*, Xue, J.F, Feng, D.Z, Chen, Z.X., ... & Xue, Q. (2022). Utilization of flue gas desulfurization gypsum to produce green binder for dredged soil solidification: Strength, durability, and planting performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 367, 133076.

  • (1) 湖北省科技进步奖一等奖,多源废弃渣土性态调控与再生利用关键技术,排名第2024.12

    (2) 48届日内瓦国际发明奖银奖,垃圾填埋场好氧通风系统优化调控,排名第2023.04

研究方向Research Focus




社会任职Social Service


承担科研项目情况Undertaking Research Projects







代表论著Representative Treatises

[1]He,X.X.,Wan,Y.,Chen,Y.J.,Tan,X.,Wang,S.Q.,Liu,X. L.,& Xue,Q. (2024). Strength improvement of high organic dredged soil by solidification/oxidization synergistic method. Canadian Geotechnical Journal,(ja).

[2] He,X.X.,Xue,J.F.,Liao,M.J.,Wan,Y.,Liu,X.L.,Chen,Y.J.,& Xue,Q. (2023). Strength and hygroscopic behavior of biopolymer-treated silty sand under remodeling and dry-wet cycles. Construction and Building Materials,408,133642.

[3] He,X.X.,Chen,Y.J., Li, Y., Guo, D.D., Xue, Q., Wang, S.Q., ... & Liu, L. (2022). Consolidation behavior and microstructure properties of cement-treated dredged soil during the stress curing. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 40(4), 500-510.

[4] He, X.X., Chen, Y., Tan, X., Wang, S.Q, & Liu, L. (2020). Determining the water content and void ratio of cement-treated dredged soil from the hydration degree of cement. Engineering Geology, 279, 105892.

[5] He, X.X., Chen, Y.J, Wan, Y., Liu, L., & Xue, Q. (2020). Effect of curing stress on compression behavior of cement-treated dredged sediment. International Journal of Geomechanics, 20(11), 04020204.

[6] Feng, D.Z, Liang, B.,Wan, Y.,Yi, F.,Liu, L.,Zhang, Y.,& He, X.X*. (2024). Mechanical and water stability properties of biopolymer-treated silty sand. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.

[7] Wu, Y.H., Wan, Y.,He, X.X*., Cai, Y.Y., Xu, W.N., Zhao, B.J, & Shen, Y.Y. (2024). Improving the impermeability and mechanical properties of the Yellow River sediment with polymer gels. Case Studies in Construction Materials, e03246.

[8] Wang, S.Q, He, X.X.*, Cai, G.H., Li, J.S., Qin, H., Ma, Y., ... & Lang, L. (2024). Strength characteristic and micro-mechanism of organic dredged sludge solidified by cement incorporating sodium persulfate. Developments in the Built Environment, 17, 100323.

[9] Wan, Y., Hui, X.M.N., He, X.X.*, Li, J.S., Xue, J., Feng, D.Z., ... & Wang, S. Q.(2022). Performance of green binder developed from flue gas desulfurization gypsum incorporating Portland cement and large-volume fly ash. Construction and Building Materials, 348, 128679.

[10] Wan, Y., Hui, X.M.N, He, X.X.*, Xue, J.F, Feng, D.Z, Chen, Z.X., ... & Xue, Q. (2022). Utilization of flue gas desulfurization gypsum to produce green binder for dredged soil solidification: Strength, durability, and planting performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 367, 133076.

获奖及荣誉Awards and Honors

(1) 湖北省科技进步奖一等奖,多源废弃渣土性态调控与再生利用关键技术,排名第2024.12

(2) 48届日内瓦国际发明奖银奖,垃圾填埋场好氧通风系统优化调控,排名第2023.04