个人信息Personal Information


职称: 研究员

职务: 岩土力学与工程安全重点实验室主任

学历: 博士研究生

电话: 027-87198805


电子邮件: pzpan@whrsm.ac.cn


湖北省武汉市武昌区水果湖街小洪山2号 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所

简 历Personal Profile

  • 潘鹏志,男,19762月生,中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所研究员,博士生导师,国家杰出青年科学基金和优秀青年科学基金获得者。20006月和20036月毕业于武汉理工大学,分获工程力学专业学士学位和固体力学专业硕士学位;20066月毕业于中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所,获岩土工程专业博士学位;20067月至今在武汉岩土所工作,历任助理研究员、副研究员和研究员,2011-2013年赴美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室开展合作研究。兼任国际SCI期刊Tunnelling and Underground Space TechnologyJournal Of Rock Mechanics And Geotechnical Engineering编委、国际岩石力学学会裂隙岩体THMC耦合过程专委会秘书长(2018-2020)和国际岩石力学学会放射性废物处置专委会委员(2020-)、中国岩石力学与工程学会岩体数学物理模拟专委会副主任委员(2018-)、中国公路学会隧道工程分会理事(2017-)。长期致力于工程岩体破坏局部化机理、分析方法与工程应用研究,作为主要技术负责自主研发了工程岩体破裂过程分析软件CASRock (www.casrock.cn),成果应用于国际国内20多个典型工程岩体稳定性和多场耦合过程研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金、国家十三五重点研发项目课题等纵向项目10余项,发表学术论文140余篇,出版专著2部,获软件著作权10余项,获省部级科技奖励一等奖5项和中国岩石力学与工程学会钱七虎奖、中科院卢嘉锡青年人才奖等。  



  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会任职Social Service
  • 承担科研项目情况Undertaking Research Projects
  • 1)工程岩体破裂机理与破裂过程连续-非连续分析方法  




  • 1) 编委,Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,2023.3-至今
    2) 编委,Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,2020.9-至今
    3) Co-Chair, International Conference on Coupled Processes in Fractured Geological Media: Observation, Modeling, and Application, CouFrac 2022 (Conference chair: Jonny Rutqvist; Co-chairs: Mengsu Hu, Carl I. Steefel, Ki-Bok Min, Antonio Pio Rinaldi, Pengzhi Pan, Hideaki Yasuhara), 2022
    4) Session Organizer, International Conference on coupled processes in fractured geological media: observation, modeling, and application, CouFrac 2020, 2020
    5) Member, Commission on Radioactive Waste Disposal, International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020- Present
    6) Scientific Advisory Committee member, DECOVALEX 2019 Symposium on Coupled Processes in Radioactive Waste Disposal and Subsurface Engineering Applications, 2019.
    7) 副主任委员, 中国岩石力学与工程学会岩体数学物理模拟专业委员会, 2018-至今
    8) Guest Editor, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Special Issue: CouFrac 2018 (Co-editors: Jonny Rutqvist, Pengzhi Pan, Antonio Rinaldi), 2018-2020
    9) Secretary General, Commission on Coupled Thermal-Hydro-Mechanical- Chemical Processes in Fractured Rock, International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018-2020
    12)Co-Chair, International Conference on Coupled Processes in Fractured Geological Media: Observation, Modeling, and Application, CouFrac 2018 (Conference chair: Jonny Rutqvist; Co-chairs: Ki-Bok Min, Pengzhi Pan, Mengsu Hu), 2018
  • [1]主持国家杰出青年科学基金项目工程岩体破裂机理与分析方法2022.1-2026.12  

    [2]主持国际合作项目DECOVALEX-2023 Task C “THM modelling of the FE experiment” Task D “Full-scale engineering barrier system experiment at Horonobe URL”(中方负责人)。2020.1-2023.12  

    [3]主持国家重点研发计划课题 “大型地质体控制型矿井群冲击地压协同防控方法与技术 2017/8-2020/12  







    [10]主持国际合作项目DECOVALEX-2011 Task B“热力耦合作用下岩柱稳定性分析(中方负责人之一)。2008.1-2011.12  

    [11]主持国际合作项目DECOVALEX-2015 Task B1“HE-E in-situ heater test at Mont Terri” Task B2“EBS experiment at Horonobe URL”Task C1“THMC modeling of rock fractures”(中方负责人)。2012.1-2015.12  






    5)美国能源部项目“National Risk Assessment Partnership for geologic CO2 storage”  

  • 代表论著Representative Treatises
  • 获奖及荣誉Awards and Honors
  • [1]Hou, W., P.-Z. Pan* and Z. Wang* (2023). "Modeling of rock multiple fractures system with a new contact algorithm and a novel approach for complex topology construction." Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 124: 103778.  

    [2]Wang, Z., P.-Z. Pan* and W. Hou* (2023). "A New Local Grid Reconstruction Algorithm for Cracking Simulation in Rock-Like Material." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-022-03183-1  

    [3]Miao, S. T., P. Z. Pan*, P. Y. Yu and W. B. Hou (2022). "Fracture Behaviour of Two Microstructurally Different Rocks Exposed to High Static Stress and Cyclic Disturbances." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 55(6): 3621-3644.  

    [4]Miao, S., Pan P.-Z.*, Zhao S., Han J. and Konicek P. (2021). "A New DIC-Based Method to Identify the Crack Mechanism and Applications in Fracture Analysis of Red Sandstone Containing a Single Flaw." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 54, 3847-3871  

    [5]Miao, S., Pan P.-Z.*, Konicek P., Yu P. and Liu K. (2021). "Rock damage and fracturing induced by high static stress and slightly dynamic disturbance with acoustic emission and digital image correlation techniques." Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13(5), 1002-1019.  

    [6]Mei, W., Li M., Pan P.-Z.*, Pan J. and Liu K. (2021). "Blasting induced dynamic response analysis in a rock tunnel based on combined inversion of Laplace transform with elasto-plastic cellular automaton." Geophysical Journal International 225, 699-710.  

    [7]Pan, P.-Z., S. Miao, Q. Jiang, Z. Wu and C. Shao (2020). "The Influence of Infilling Conditions on Flaw Surface Relative Displacement Induced Cracking Behavior in Hard Rock." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 53(10), 4449-4470.  

    [8]Pan, P.-Z., F. Yan, X.-T. Feng, Z. Wu and S. Qiu (2019). "Modeling of an excavation-induced rock fracturing process from continuity to discontinuity." Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 106, 286-299.  

    [9]Miao, S., Pan P.-Z.*, Wu Z., Li S. and Zhao S. (2018). "Fracture analysis of sandstone with a single filled flaw under uniaxial compression." Engineering Fracture Mechanics 204, 319-343.  

    [10] Pan, P.-Z., F. Yan, X.-T. Feng and Z.-H. Wu (2017). "Study on coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in column bentonite test." Environmental Earth Sciences 76(17), 618.  

    [11] Pan, P.-Z., X.-T. Feng, H. Zheng, and A. Bond (2016). An approach for simulating the THMC process in single novaculite fracture using EPCA. Environmental Earth Sciences 75(15): p. 1150.  

    [12]Pan, P.-Z., J. Rutqvist, X.-T. Feng, and F. Yan (2014). An Approach for Modeling Rock Discontinuous Mechanical Behavior Under Multiphase Fluid Flow Conditions. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 47(2): p. 589-603.  

    [13]Pan, P.-Z., J. Rutqvist, X.-T. Feng, and F. Yan (2014). TOUGH–RDCA modeling of multiple fracture interactions in caprock during CO2 injection into a deep brine aquifer. Computers & Geosciences 65(0): p. 24-36.  

    [14]Pan, P.-Z., J. Rutqvist, X.-T. Feng, and F. Yan (2013). Modeling of caprock discontinuous fracturing during CO2 injection into a deep brine aquifer. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 19(0): p. 559-575.  

    [15]Pan, P.-Z., F. Yan, and X.-T. Feng (2012). Modeling the cracking process of rocks from continuity to discontinuity using a cellular automaton. Computers & Geosciences 42(0): p. 87-99.   

    [16]Pan, P.-Z., X.-T. Feng, and J.A. Hudson (2012), The influence of the intermediate principal stress on rock failure behaviour: A numerical study. Engineering Geology 124(0): p. 109-118.   

    [17]Pan, P.-Z., X.-T. Feng, D.-P. Xu, L.-F. Shen, and J.-B. Yang (2011). Modelling fluid flow through a single fracture with different contacts using cellular automata. Computers and Geotechnics 38(8): p. 959-969.   

    [18]Pan, P.Z., X.T. Feng, and J.A. Hudson (2009). Study of failure and scale effects in rocks under uniaxial compression using 3D cellular automata. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 46(4): p. 674-685.   

    [19]Pan, P.Z., X.T. Feng, X.H. Huang, Q. Cui, and H. Zhou (2009). Coupled THM processes in EDZ of crystalline rocks using an elasto-plastic cellular automaton. Environmental Geology 57(6): p. 1299-1311.

    [20]Feng, X. T., Pan P. Z. and Zhou H. (2006). "Simulation of the rock microfracturing process under uniaxial compression using an elasto-plastic cellular automaton." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 43(7), 1091-1108.  

研究方向Research Focus





社会任职Social Service
1) 编委,Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,2023.3-至今
2) 编委,Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,2020.9-至今
3) Co-Chair, International Conference on Coupled Processes in Fractured Geological Media: Observation, Modeling, and Application, CouFrac 2022 (Conference chair: Jonny Rutqvist; Co-chairs: Mengsu Hu, Carl I. Steefel, Ki-Bok Min, Antonio Pio Rinaldi, Pengzhi Pan, Hideaki Yasuhara), 2022
4) Session Organizer, International Conference on coupled processes in fractured geological media: observation, modeling, and application, CouFrac 2020, 2020
5) Member, Commission on Radioactive Waste Disposal, International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020- Present
6) Scientific Advisory Committee member, DECOVALEX 2019 Symposium on Coupled Processes in Radioactive Waste Disposal and Subsurface Engineering Applications, 2019.
7) 副主任委员, 中国岩石力学与工程学会岩体数学物理模拟专业委员会, 2018-至今
8) Guest Editor, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Special Issue: CouFrac 2018 (Co-editors: Jonny Rutqvist, Pengzhi Pan, Antonio Rinaldi), 2018-2020
9) Secretary General, Commission on Coupled Thermal-Hydro-Mechanical- Chemical Processes in Fractured Rock, International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018-2020
12)Co-Chair, International Conference on Coupled Processes in Fractured Geological Media: Observation, Modeling, and Application, CouFrac 2018 (Conference chair: Jonny Rutqvist; Co-chairs: Ki-Bok Min, Pengzhi Pan, Mengsu Hu), 2018
承担科研项目情况Undertaking Research Projects


[2]主持国际合作项目DECOVALEX-2023 Task C “THM modelling of the FE experiment” Task D “Full-scale engineering barrier system experiment at Horonobe URL”(中方负责人)。2020.1-2023.12  

[3]主持国家重点研发计划课题 “大型地质体控制型矿井群冲击地压协同防控方法与技术 2017/8-2020/12  







[10]主持国际合作项目DECOVALEX-2011 Task B“热力耦合作用下岩柱稳定性分析(中方负责人之一)。2008.1-2011.12  

[11]主持国际合作项目DECOVALEX-2015 Task B1“HE-E in-situ heater test at Mont Terri” Task B2“EBS experiment at Horonobe URL”Task C1“THMC modeling of rock fractures”(中方负责人)。2012.1-2015.12  






5)美国能源部项目“National Risk Assessment Partnership for geologic CO2 storage”  

代表论著Representative Treatises

[1]Hou, W., P.-Z. Pan* and Z. Wang* (2023). "Modeling of rock multiple fractures system with a new contact algorithm and a novel approach for complex topology construction." Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 124: 103778.  

[2]Wang, Z., P.-Z. Pan* and W. Hou* (2023). "A New Local Grid Reconstruction Algorithm for Cracking Simulation in Rock-Like Material." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-022-03183-1  

[3]Miao, S. T., P. Z. Pan*, P. Y. Yu and W. B. Hou (2022). "Fracture Behaviour of Two Microstructurally Different Rocks Exposed to High Static Stress and Cyclic Disturbances." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 55(6): 3621-3644.  

[4]Miao, S., Pan P.-Z.*, Zhao S., Han J. and Konicek P. (2021). "A New DIC-Based Method to Identify the Crack Mechanism and Applications in Fracture Analysis of Red Sandstone Containing a Single Flaw." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 54, 3847-3871  

[5]Miao, S., Pan P.-Z.*, Konicek P., Yu P. and Liu K. (2021). "Rock damage and fracturing induced by high static stress and slightly dynamic disturbance with acoustic emission and digital image correlation techniques." Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13(5), 1002-1019.  

[6]Mei, W., Li M., Pan P.-Z.*, Pan J. and Liu K. (2021). "Blasting induced dynamic response analysis in a rock tunnel based on combined inversion of Laplace transform with elasto-plastic cellular automaton." Geophysical Journal International 225, 699-710.  

[7]Pan, P.-Z., S. Miao, Q. Jiang, Z. Wu and C. Shao (2020). "The Influence of Infilling Conditions on Flaw Surface Relative Displacement Induced Cracking Behavior in Hard Rock." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 53(10), 4449-4470.  

[8]Pan, P.-Z., F. Yan, X.-T. Feng, Z. Wu and S. Qiu (2019). "Modeling of an excavation-induced rock fracturing process from continuity to discontinuity." Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 106, 286-299.  

[9]Miao, S., Pan P.-Z.*, Wu Z., Li S. and Zhao S. (2018). "Fracture analysis of sandstone with a single filled flaw under uniaxial compression." Engineering Fracture Mechanics 204, 319-343.  

[10] Pan, P.-Z., F. Yan, X.-T. Feng and Z.-H. Wu (2017). "Study on coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in column bentonite test." Environmental Earth Sciences 76(17), 618.  

[11] Pan, P.-Z., X.-T. Feng, H. Zheng, and A. Bond (2016). An approach for simulating the THMC process in single novaculite fracture using EPCA. Environmental Earth Sciences 75(15): p. 1150.  

[12]Pan, P.-Z., J. Rutqvist, X.-T. Feng, and F. Yan (2014). An Approach for Modeling Rock Discontinuous Mechanical Behavior Under Multiphase Fluid Flow Conditions. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 47(2): p. 589-603.  

[13]Pan, P.-Z., J. Rutqvist, X.-T. Feng, and F. Yan (2014). TOUGH–RDCA modeling of multiple fracture interactions in caprock during CO2 injection into a deep brine aquifer. Computers & Geosciences 65(0): p. 24-36.  

[14]Pan, P.-Z., J. Rutqvist, X.-T. Feng, and F. Yan (2013). Modeling of caprock discontinuous fracturing during CO2 injection into a deep brine aquifer. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 19(0): p. 559-575.  

[15]Pan, P.-Z., F. Yan, and X.-T. Feng (2012). Modeling the cracking process of rocks from continuity to discontinuity using a cellular automaton. Computers & Geosciences 42(0): p. 87-99.   

[16]Pan, P.-Z., X.-T. Feng, and J.A. Hudson (2012), The influence of the intermediate principal stress on rock failure behaviour: A numerical study. Engineering Geology 124(0): p. 109-118.   

[17]Pan, P.-Z., X.-T. Feng, D.-P. Xu, L.-F. Shen, and J.-B. Yang (2011). Modelling fluid flow through a single fracture with different contacts using cellular automata. Computers and Geotechnics 38(8): p. 959-969.   

[18]Pan, P.Z., X.T. Feng, and J.A. Hudson (2009). Study of failure and scale effects in rocks under uniaxial compression using 3D cellular automata. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 46(4): p. 674-685.   

[19]Pan, P.Z., X.T. Feng, X.H. Huang, Q. Cui, and H. Zhou (2009). Coupled THM processes in EDZ of crystalline rocks using an elasto-plastic cellular automaton. Environmental Geology 57(6): p. 1299-1311.

[20]Feng, X. T., Pan P. Z. and Zhou H. (2006). "Simulation of the rock microfracturing process under uniaxial compression using an elasto-plastic cellular automaton." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 43(7), 1091-1108.  

获奖及荣誉Awards and Honors