个人信息Personal Information


职称: 研究员


学历: 博士研究生



电子邮件: jqliu@whrsm.ac.cn


湖北省武汉市武昌区水果湖街小洪山2号 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所

简 历Personal Profile

  • 刘金泉,男,江西上饶人,研究员,博士生导师,中国科学院引才计划入选者、国家高层次人才计划入选者、湖北省创新人才计划入选者。2011年本科毕业于广西大学,2017年博士毕业于中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所,2018年后在中国科学院福建物质结构研究所先后任助理研究员,副研究员(破格);2019年获得澳门大学濠江博士后奖学金,在澳门大学科技学院从事两年研究工作;2021年至2024年在香港理工大学土木与环境工程系从事博士后研究工作。

    主要从事多场耦合条件下隧道工程灾变演化机理与防控技术研究。同时开展能源地下结构的热性能与结构安全评价方面的研究工作。在隧道突水突泥灾变机理、注浆防控理论与新技术新材料研发、地热能源结构(能源隧道、能源桩等)热水力特性响应机制与评估方法等方面取得了创新成果。共发表SCI/EI期刊论文40余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者在Engineering Geology》、Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology》、《Canadian Geotechnical Journal》、《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering等期刊上发表30余篇。


  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会任职Social Service
  • 承担科研项目情况Undertaking Research Projects
  • 隧道工程灾变演化机理



  • 代表论著Representative Treatises
  • 获奖及荣誉Awards and Honors
  • [1]. Liu,J.,Zhou,C.,Anh Minh Tang. (2024). Thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of energy tunnel in unsaturated soils. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,153,106012.

    [2]. Liu,J.,& Zhou,C. (2024). Thermal performance of geothermal energy tunnel in unsaturated soils. Applied Thermal Engineering,245,122868.

    [3]. Liu,J.,& Zhou,C. (2023). Numerical investigation on the thermo-mechanical behaviour of twin energy tunnels. Canadian Geotechnical Journal,60: 1352–1369.

    [4]. Liu,J.,& Zhou,C. (2022). Permeability-Porosity Relation during Erosion-induced Water Inrush: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations. Transportation Geotechnics,100893.

    [5]. Liu,J.,& Zhou,C. (2022). Thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of geothermal energy tunnel in different ground conditions. Computers and Geotechnics,151,104954.

    [6]. Liu,J.,Sun,Y.,et al. (2022). Field monitoring and numerical analysis of tunnel water inrush and the environmental changes. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,122,104360.

    [7]. Liu,J.,Liu,C.,et al. (2021). Prediction of water–mud inrush hazard from weathered granite tunnel by an improved seepage erosion model. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,80(12),9249-9266.

    [8]. Liu,J.,Chen WZ,et al. (2020). Groundwater-mud control and safety thickness of curtain grouting for the Junchang tunnel. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,103429.

    [9]. Liu,J.,Chen WZ,et al. (2020). Grouting for water and mud inrush control in weathered granite tunnel: A case study. Engineering geology,105896.

    [10]. Liu JChen WZ (2019). Experimental research on mass transfer and flow properties of water inrush in completely weathered granite under different particle size distributions. Rock Mechanisms and Rock Engineering. 52. 2141-2153. 

研究方向Research Focus




社会任职Social Service
承担科研项目情况Undertaking Research Projects
代表论著Representative Treatises

[1]. Liu,J.,Zhou,C.,Anh Minh Tang. (2024). Thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of energy tunnel in unsaturated soils. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,153,106012.

[2]. Liu,J.,& Zhou,C. (2024). Thermal performance of geothermal energy tunnel in unsaturated soils. Applied Thermal Engineering,245,122868.

[3]. Liu,J.,& Zhou,C. (2023). Numerical investigation on the thermo-mechanical behaviour of twin energy tunnels. Canadian Geotechnical Journal,60: 1352–1369.

[4]. Liu,J.,& Zhou,C. (2022). Permeability-Porosity Relation during Erosion-induced Water Inrush: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations. Transportation Geotechnics,100893.

[5]. Liu,J.,& Zhou,C. (2022). Thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of geothermal energy tunnel in different ground conditions. Computers and Geotechnics,151,104954.

[6]. Liu,J.,Sun,Y.,et al. (2022). Field monitoring and numerical analysis of tunnel water inrush and the environmental changes. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,122,104360.

[7]. Liu,J.,Liu,C.,et al. (2021). Prediction of water–mud inrush hazard from weathered granite tunnel by an improved seepage erosion model. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,80(12),9249-9266.

[8]. Liu,J.,Chen WZ,et al. (2020). Groundwater-mud control and safety thickness of curtain grouting for the Junchang tunnel. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,103429.

[9]. Liu,J.,Chen WZ,et al. (2020). Grouting for water and mud inrush control in weathered granite tunnel: A case study. Engineering geology,105896.

[10]. Liu JChen WZ (2019). Experimental research on mass transfer and flow properties of water inrush in completely weathered granite under different particle size distributions. Rock Mechanisms and Rock Engineering. 52. 2141-2153. 

获奖及荣誉Awards and Honors