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FLAC simulation for progressive failure of fissured clay slope Wang, Zhi-Wei Rock and Soil Mechanics 2005
Triaxial strength and deformation properties of frozen silty clay under low confining pressure Sun, Xing-Liang Rock and Soil Mechanics 2005
Analysis of bedding-slip failure mechanism of rock slope due to hydraulic drive Liu, Cai-Hua Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2005
Modeling experiment study on failure mechanism of counter-tilt rock slope Zuo, Bao-Cheng Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2005
Application of high water-pressure test to deep borehole Yin, Li-Ming Rock and Soil Mechanics 2005
Features and stability analysis of rainfall-induced colluvial landslides Chen, Shan-Xiong Rock and Soil Mechanics 2005
Study on active and passive failure surface in backfilled cohesionless soil behind rigid retaining wall Xu, Xi-Chang Rock and Soil Mechanics 2005
Analysis of water and sand gushing out of a foundation pit and prevention countermeasures Qin, Shang-Lin Rock and Soil Mechanics 2005
Numerical simulation study on progressive destruction and failure mechanism of bedding rock slopes Yu, Fei Rock and Soil Mechanics 2005
Application of taboo-search to slope stability analysis Zhao, Hong-Bo Rock and Soil Mechanics 2005
UDEC modeling of vibration characteristics of jointed rock mass under explosion Xia, Xiang Rock and Soil Mechanics 2005
Study on stability of horizontal bedded rocky slopes in Three Gorges Reservoir area Shen, Qiang Rock and Soil Mechanics 2005
Application of wholly grouted anchor in the landslide control of large-scale loose sediment Zhou, Qing-Chun Rock and Soil Mechanics 2005
Study on prestress loss of prestressed anchor cable Yu, Kai-Biao Rock and Soil Mechanics 2005
Study on effects of discontinuities on mechanical characters of slate Mao, Hai-Jun Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2005
Experimental study on thermo-mechanical and hydro-mechanical coupling of sandstone for west route of south-to-north water transfer project Zhou, Qing-Chun Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2005
Study on in-situ stress measurements and characteristics of in-situ stress field in west route of south-to-north water transfer project Liu, Ya-Qun Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2005
Some considerations about the concept of matric suction and questions related to matric suction Yao, Hai-Lin Rock and Soil Mechanics 2005
DMT study on soft ground treatment of Xiamen Haicang Road Xiang, Xian-Chao Rock and Soil Mechanics 2005
Experimental studies on temperature effect of mechanical properties of rock salt Gao, Xiao-Ping Rock and Soil Mechanics 2005