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Coupling recognition of the structure and parameters of non-linear constitutive material models using hybrid evolutionary algorithms Feng, XT INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING 2004
Study on stability and anchoring effect of jointed rock mass of an underground powerhouse Li, SC ADVANCES IN FRACTURE AND FAILURE PREVENTION 2004
Effect of water chemical corrosion on strength and cracking characteristics of rocks - A review Feng, XT ADVANCES IN FRACTURE AND FAILURE PREVENTION 2004
Study on the mechanical properties of soft rock under dynamic uniaxial compression Li, HB ADVANCES IN FRACTURE AND FAILURE PREVENTION 2004
Brittle damage and coalescence model of jointed rock mass Chen, WZ ADVANCES IN FRACTURE AND FAILURE PREVENTION 2004
UDEC simulation for the dynamic response of a rock slope subject to explosions Liu, YQ INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 2004
Cellular automata simulation of the interaction mechanism of two cracks in rock under uniaxial compression Li, MT INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 2004
2D vector cellular automata model for simulating fracture of rock under tensile condition Li, MT ADVANCES IN FRACTURE AND FAILURE PREVENTION 2004
Theoretical and experimental studies on the fluid-solid coupling processes for oil recovery from low permeability fractured reservoirs Liu, JJ INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 2004
Implementation of the domain decomposition method-based parallel finite element method in geotechnical engineering Zhang, YL INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 2004
Unequal step lengths grey time-varying parameters model for settlement prediction Liu, Zhi-Guo Rock and Soil Mechanics 2004
Three dimensional visualization for stratified geological objects and underground openings Xia, Yan-Hua Rock and Soil Mechanics 2004
Experimental study on control of high embankment construction on soft foundation in Xiang-jing expressway Liu, Guan-Shi Rock and Soil Mechanics 2004
Landslide monitoring and intelligent analysis on deformation prediction based on three dimensional geographic information Li, Shaojun Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2004
UDEC simulation on dynamic response of rock slope of huangmailing phosphorite mine under explosion Liu, Yaqun Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2004
Triaxial compression tests of a granite, Baozha Yu Chongji/Expolosion and Shock Waves Li, Hai-Bo Expolosion and Shock Waves 2004
New method to determine the safety threshold velocity of slope Liu, Ya-Qun Expolosion and Shock Waves 2004
Experimental study on cooling effect of the perforated ventilation pipes on Qinghai-Tibet railway roadbed Hu, Mingjian Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2004
Numerical simulation test on macro mechanics parameters of layered composite rock masses Guo, Zhihua Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2004
Study of effects of blast on shallow large-span double-linked-arch tunnel of expressway Li, Fei Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2004