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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Study on the damage characteristics of gas-bearing shale under different unloading stress paths 郭印同 PLOS ONE 2019
Interaction of Cleat-Matrix on Coal Permeability from Experimental Observations and Numerical Analysis Wang, Chunguang GEOFLUIDS 2019
Preliminary Numerical Modeling of CO2 Geological Storage in the Huangcaoxia Gas Reservoir in the Eastern Sichuan Basin, China 雷宏武 GEOFLUIDS 2019
Investigation of the ground movement due to underground mining at the Jinshandian Iron Mine in China 夏开宗 ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 2019
Experimental and numerical investigations of the seismic response of a rock-soil mixture deposit slope 孙志亮 ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 2019
Theoretical and numerical study on the block-flexure toppling failure of rock slopes 郑允 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2019
Evolution Pattern of Tailings Flow from Dam Failure and the Buffering Effect of Debris Blocking Dams Wang, Guangjin WATER 2019
Acoustic emission characteristics of pre-cracked specimens under biaxial compression 刘学伟 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS AND ENGINEERING 2019
Rock mass characteristic of Suanjingzi section in the Beishan Preselected Site of China's high-level radioactive waste disposal 王贵宾 ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES 2019
The deformation and permeability of Yanji mudstone under cyclic loading and unloading 曾志雄 JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE 2019
Estimation of the Mechanical Properties of Igneous Rocks in Consideration of Seismic Effects 崔臻 ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING 2019
Phase Equilibrium Condition for Pore Hydrate: Theoretical Formulation and Experimental Validation 周家作 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH 2019
Effect of Axial Pressure on Lime-Treated Expansive Soil Subjected to Wetting and Drying Cycles Tang, Chuxuan ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 2019
An approach to predicting the shear strength of soil-rock mixture based on rock block proportion Zhang, Zhenping BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2019
Three-dimensional limit equilibrium method based on a TIN sliding surface 刘振平 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2019
Limitations of Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Micro-Flows in Complex Nanopores Zuo Hong ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA-ENGLISH EDITION 2019
Cumulative strain characteristics of compacted soil under effect of freeze-thaw cycles with water supply 卢正 TRANSPORTATION GEOTECHNICS 2019
Load-attenuation mechanisms of flexible barrier subjected to bouldery debris flow impact Zheng, Y. LANDSLIDES 2019
Numerical Modeling of CO2, Water, Sodium Chloride, and Magnesium Carbonates Equilibrium to High Temperature and Pressure 李俊 ENERGIES 2019
Dynamics of a Partially Confined, Vertical Upward-Fluid-Conveying, Slender Cantilever Pipe with Reverse External Flow Ge, Xinbo APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 2019