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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Extended finite element modeling nonlinear hydro-mechanical process in saturated porous media containing crossing fractures 杨典森 COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS 2019
Influences of degree of saturation and stress cycle on gas permeability of unsaturated compacted Gaomiaozi bentonite 魏天宇 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2019
Study on damage evolution of intact and jointed marble subjected to cyclic true triaxial loading Gao, Yaohui ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS 2019
Study on the Dynamic Deformation of Road High Liquid Limit Subgrade Soil 卢正 ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 2019
Enriched three-field numerical manifold formulation for dynamics of fractured saturated porous media Wu, Wenan COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING 2019
Simulation of permeability of hydraulic fractures by computational fluid dynamics Zuo, Hong JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2019
Experimental microscopic investigation of the cyclic swelling and shrinkage of a natural hard clay 杨典森 GEOTECHNIQUE 2019
Statistics-based method for determination of drag coefficient for nonlinear porous flow in calcareous sand soil 叶剑红 BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2019
Investigation of the Effect of Confining Pressure on the Mechanics-Permeability Behavior of Mudstone under Triaxial Compression 石露 GEOFLUIDS 2019
Comparative Study on Mechanical Properties of Compacted Clay under Freeze-Thaw Cycles with Closed and Open Systems Xian, Shaohua ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2019
Regression model for predicting tunnel strain in strain-softening rock mass for underground openings 崔岚 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 2019
Time-Dependent Ground Movement Behavior in a Metal Mine 夏开宗 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS 2019
Experimental Study to Design an Analog Material for Jinping Marble with High Strength, High Brittleness and High Unit Weight and Ductility Zhu, Guo-Qiang ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING 2019
Investigation of the sequential excavation of a soil-rock-mixture slope using the numerical manifold method 杨永涛 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2019
The shear behavior of sandstone joints under different fluid and temperature conditions 张强 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2019
Mechanism and forecasting model for shield jamming during TBM tunnelling through deep soft ground 黄兴 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING 2019
A Method for Rockburst Prediction in the Deep Tunnels of Hydropower Stations Based on the Monitored Microseismicity and an Optimized Probabilistic Neural Network Model 丰光亮 SUSTAINABILITY 2019
A 3D Discrete-Continuum Coupling Approach for Investigating the Deformation and Failure Mechanism of Tunnels across an Active Fault: A Case Study of Xianglushan Tunnel 马亚丽娜 APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 2019
Dynamic boundary setting for discrete element method considering the seismic problems of rock masses Zhou, Xingtao GRANULAR MATTER 2019
A Study on Seismic Isolation of Shield Tunnel Using Quasi-Static Finite Element Method 李灿 SHOCK AND VIBRATION 2019