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Comparing two methods to estimate lateral force acting on stabilizing piles for a landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China 周春妹 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2014
Experimental research on the evolution laws of soil fabric of compacted clay liner in a landfill final cover under the dry-wet cycle 薛强 BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2014
Time-dependent damage constitutive model for the marble in the Jinping II hydropower station in China 陈炳瑞 BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2014
A relationship-based and object-oriented software for monitoring management during geotechnical excavation 王浩 ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING SOFTWARE 2014
Direct observation of coal-gas interactions under thermal and mechanical loadings 王春光 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY 2014
Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Processes of the Methane Migration and Oxidation in Landfill Cover 刘磊 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY? 2014
Numerical simulation for influences of pressure solution on T-H-M coupling in aggregate rock 张玉军 JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY? 2014
A Discontinuous Cellular Automaton Method for Modeling Rock Fracture Propagation and Coalescence Under Fluid Pressurization Without Remeshing 潘鹏志 ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING? 2014
Study on wave propagation across a single rough fracture by the modified thin-layer interface model 李建春 JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS? 2014
Application of computerized tomographic scanning to the study of water-induced weakening of mudstone 江权 BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT? 2014
Study on the permeability evolution law and the micro-mechanism of CCL in a landfill final cover under the dry-wet cycle 万勇 BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT? 2014
Removal of Heavy Metals from Landfill Leachate Using Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Fly Ash as Adsorbent 薛强 CLEAN-SOIL AIR WATER 2014
Experimental Study of Ultralight (< 300 kg/m(3)) Foamed Concrete 谭贤君 ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2014
Experimental investigation of the creep and damage behavior of Linyi red sandstone 杨典森 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 2014
A fully coupled coal deformation and compositional flow model for the control of the pre-mining coal seam gas extraction 夏同强 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 2014
The strong and weak forms of a general imperfect interface model for linear coupled multifield phenomena Gu, ST INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE 2014
Electric-hydraulic-chemical coupled modeling of solute transport through landfill clay liners 李振泽 APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE 2014
Nonlinear interaction between wave, breakwater and its loose seabed foundation: A small-scale case 叶剑红 OCEAN ENGINEERING 2014
Vibrations of a plate on a two-parameter foundation subjected to moving rectangular loads of varying velocities 卢正 JOURNAL OF VIBROENGINEERING 2014
Estimation of rockburst wall-rock velocity invoked by slab flexure sources in deep tunnels 邱士利 CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL 2014