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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Experimental investigation of mechanical behavior of bedded rock salt containing inclined interlayer 李银平 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 2014
Evaluation of the pre-drained coal seam gas quality 夏同强 FUEL 2014
Dynamic Characteristics of Saturated Silty Soil Ground Treated by Stone Column Composite Foundation 詹永祥 ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2014
Effects of leachate concentration on the integrity of solidified clay liners 薛强 WASTE MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH 2014
Mechanical anisotropy of columnar jointed basalts: An example from the Baihetan hydropower station, China 江权 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2014
Benchmark assessment of coal permeability models on the accuracy of permeability prediction Peng, Yan FUEL 2014
A specific setup to study hydration and dehydration of COx argillite at applied stresses Yang, D. GEOTECHNIQUE LETTERS 2014
Modeling of caprock discontinuous fracturing during CO2 injection into a deep brine aquifer 潘鹏志 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL 2013
An experimental study on the shear strength behaviour of an interlayered shear weakness zone 徐鼎平 BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2013
Elastoplastic damage modeling the mechanical behavior of rock-like materials considering confining pressure dependency 周辉 MECHANICS RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 2013
Progressive collapse of a drilled-shaft bridge foundation under vessel impact 鲁燕儿 OCEAN ENGINEERING 2013
Research on Uniaxial Compression and Tension Tests of Sandstone Subjected to Drying-wetting Cycle 姚华严 DISASTER ADVANCES 2013
A continuous-discontinuous cellular automaton method for regular frictional contact problems 晏飞 ARCHIVE OF APPLIED MECHANICS 2013
Analytical solutions of stress and displacement in strain softening rock mass around a newly formed cavity 鲁燕儿 JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY 2013
Development of a meshless hybrid boundary node method for Stokes flows 谭飞 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS 2013
Rockmass damage development following two extremely intense rockbursts in deep tunnels at Jinping II hydropower station, southwestern China 张传庆 BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2013
A function approximating model for rock based on the least square support vector machines 陈炳瑞 DISASTER ADVANCES 2013
Analysis of Microseismic Characteristic and Rockburst Risk during TBM Excavation under Deeply Burried Tunnel 陈炳瑞 DISASTER ADVANCES 2013
Combined effects of directional compaction, non-Darcy flow and anisotropic swelling on coal seam gas extraction Wang, JG(刘继山学生) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY 2013
Health diagnosis and functional rehabilitation for seismic-damaged tunnel suffered from the Wenchuan earthquake: A case study 江权 DISASTER ADVANCES 2013