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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Nelder-Mead algorithm for inversion analysis of in-situ stress field of underground powerhouse area of Dagangshan Hydropower Station Jia, Shan-Po Rock and Soil Mechanics 2008
Development of distributed monitoring information management and early warning system for foundation pit Wu, Zhen-Jun Rock and Soil Mechanics 2008
Aggregation effect of slaked lime on treated expansive soils Cheng, Yu Rock and Soil Mechanics 2008
Method for obtaining local stress field based on interpolation and numerical simulation method Zhang, Chuan-Qing Rock and Soil Mechanics 2008
Parameter analysis of continuously reinforced concrete pavement resting on two-parameter foundation Lu, Zheng Rock and Soil Mechanics 2008
Stability study of deep soft rock roadways with weak intercalated layers Yang, Jian-Ping Rock and Soil Mechanics 2008
Experimental study of triaxial test of undisturbed unsaturated loess Li, Yong-Le Rock and Soil Mechanics 2008
Analysis of characteristics of retrogressive landslide and comparison between active and passive reinforcements Yuan, Cong-Hua Rock and Soil Mechanics 2008
Discussion on decoupled charge loosening blasting in deep rock mass Wang, Wei Rock and Soil Mechanics 2008
Research on theory of seepage monitoring based on distributed optical fiber sensing technology Xiao, Heng-Lin Rock and Soil Mechanics 2008
Finite element analysis of effects of three factors on nuclide migration under condition of coupling thermo-hydro-mechanical Zhang, Yu-Jun Rock and Soil Mechanics 2008
Study on strength reduction fem considering seepage and bolt Wei, Lide Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2008
Theoretical analysis and model test study on deformation mechanism of creep landslide Chen, Hao Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2008
Behaviors of socketed H-shaped steel piles Wang, Yaohui Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2008
Seismic response analysis of an underground cavern groups in rock subjected to spatially non-uniform seismic ground motion Li, Haibo Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2008
System of intelligent evaluation and prediction in space-time for safety of rock engineering under hazardous environment Feng, Xiating Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2008
Study on monitoring of deformation and stree state of landslide anti-slide piles using borehole inclinometer Ren, Weizhong Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2008
A new method for estimating rock joint size Mei, Tao Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2008
Dynamic feedback analysis and engineering control of surrounding rock local instability in underground powerhouse of Jinping II hydropower station Jiang, Quan Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2008
Research on influence of pre-existing crack geometrical and material properties on crack propagation in rocks Pan, Pengzhi Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2008