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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Research on crustal stress measurement and inversion of stress disturbed area of a tunnel Bai, Shi-Wei Rock and Soil Mechanics 2008
A variational inequality formulation for unconfined seepage problems in porous media Zheng, Hong APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING 2008
Improved analytical solution for toppling stability analysis of rock slopes Liu, CH INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 2008
Thermal conductivity of sands Chen, Shan Xiong Waerme- und Stoffuebertragung 2008
Study on the damage evolution equation of rockburst Liu, Quan-Sheng Advances in Fracture and Materials Behavior - Selected, peer reviewed papers of the Seventh International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solids (FEOFS2007) 2008
A new global optimization algorithm and its application Lu, Yinghui Advances in Fracture and Materials Behavior - Selected, peer reviewed papers of the Seventh International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solids (FEOFS2007) 2008
The thermo-hydro coupled model of low-temperature rock in consideration of phase change Liu, Quansheng Advances in Fracture and Materials Behavior - Selected, peer reviewed papers of the Seventh International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solids (FEOFS2007) 2008
Coupled THM model and simulation of the Yucca Mountain and FEBEX case study within DECOVALEX-THMC framework Liu, Xiaoyan Advances in Fracture and Materials Behavior - Selected, peer reviewed papers of the Seventh International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solids (FEOFS2007) 2008
Study on uncertainty and criterion in model optimization of coupled THM simulation Zhang, Chengyuan Advances in Fracture and Materials Behavior - Selected, peer reviewed papers of the Seventh International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solids (FEOFS2007) 2008
Elastic-plastic mechanics analysis on stability of coal pillar Gao, W Advances in Fracture and Materials Behavior - Selected, peer reviewed papers of the Seventh International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solids (FEOFS2007) 2008
Stability and its influential factors analysis of landslides based on reliability theory Yin, Xiao-Tao Rock and Soil Mechanics 2008
Analysis of strength characteristics of Nanjing sand and mechanism of static liquefaction Zhu, Jian-Qun Rock and Soil Mechanics 2008
Application of a new global optimization to displacement back analysis for geotechnical engineering Lu, Ying-Hui Rock and Soil Mechanics 2008
Research on interrelationship of exhaust air of highway forked tunnel and countermeasures Chen, Weizhong Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2008
Study of excavation disturbance and anchoring effects of high-geostress dam foundation slope of laxiwa hydropower engineering Liu, Jian Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2008
A coupled hydro-thermal model for low temperature rock including phase change Tan, Xianjun Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2008
Stability analysis of diversion tunnels in Jinping II Hydropower Station Project Zhang, Chuanqing Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing - Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing, ICPNS'07 2008
Integrated intelligent stability analysis and dynamic optimization of underground engineering in hard rock with high geostress Feng, Xiating Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2008
Development of rock-fluid reaction-flow coupling testing apparatus Wei, Ning Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 2008